My HTML template.
This HTML file serves as a basic template file complete with the appropriate meta tags for social media sharing and PWA support. Start by deleting all of this HTML in the body and style tags. Then replace the meta tags with your own information.
I have also linked a bunch of utilities I have found very useful for web development. These include things like CSS solutions, website hosts, development tools, etc. Hopefully you'll find something useful here!
Recommended utilities:
- Open Props
- Tailwind CSS
- Pico CSS
- Heroicons
- Phosphor Icons
- Brian Poblete's CSS reset
- PostCSS
- Sass
- Tailwind Grid Generator
- CSS Grid Generator
- Alternative CSS Grid Generator
- Vercel
- Cloudflare Pages
- GitHub Pages
- Netlify
- Deno Deploy
Hosting and Deployment
- Canva
- Figma
- Cloudinary
- Excalidraw
- Penpot
Design tools and media management
- VirtualBox
- VMWare
- Docker
- Podman